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DPHS was featured under 10 Most Promising Drug Discovery & Development Companies 2022

Destination Pharmagens Healthcare Solutions Pvt. Ltd.: Setting up an Innovation Driven Future for Drug Discovery

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Ethics in Clinical Trials: Ensuring Patient Safety and Informed Consent

Ethics in Clinical Trials: Ensuring Patient Safety and Informed Consent

Clinical trials are essential to medical research, leading to advancements in treatments and therapies. However, the ethics of conducting clinical trials, especially in a diverse and populous country like India, are paramount to ensuring patient safety and informed consent. This blog delves into the ethical considerations of clinical trials, focusing on the Indian context, to …

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The Journey from Lab to Market: Phases of Clinical Trials in Drug Discovery

The Journey from Lab to Market: Phases of Clinical Trials in Drug Discovery

Drug discovery is a complex, multi-step process that takes years of research, development, and testing before a new medication reaches the market. This journey can be divided into several critical phases, each with its own set of goals and challenges. Understanding these phases is essential for appreciating the rigorous effort required to bring a new …

The Journey from Lab to Market: Phases of Clinical Trials in Drug Discovery Read More »